Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday: Most Unique Books I've Read

Yea... I phoned this one in. I know I suck.


  1. Absolutely for The Scorpio Races!! And Shadow and Bone is on my list too. I just ADORED how it was more Russian culture, then the typical medieval-English stuff going on (which is awesome, buuut so overdone) xD I love our list! Paper Towns is like my new bookish crush at the moment. My TTT!

  2. I didn't really like Miss Peregrine's, but it certainly was a super unique read - I think I enjoyed the pictures more than the story :D

  3. One day I'm going to read The Book Thief, Daughter of Smoke and Bone, AND The Lover's Dictionary..... I'm making it a mission before 2014 is over! And since they've made your list, I know that they are worth it! Great picks!

    Here's My TTT

  4. Great list. I just picked up the sequel for Miss Peregrine and cannot wait to read it. Here's mine.

  5. I keep seeing The Lover's Dictionary around. I'm really going to have to read it! Great list :-)

  6. Great list! Every Day was so different in a great way. The Scorpio Races was another really cool book - I am so glad I picked it up. I still need to read Dearly, Departed. So many people have told me to read it.
