Friday, May 4, 2012

Will Grayson, Will Grayson

"One cold night, in a most unlikely corner of Chicago, two teens—both named Will Grayson—are about to cross paths. As their worlds collide and intertwine, the Will Graysons find their lives going in new and unexpected directions, building toward romantic turns-of-heart and the epic production of history’s most fabulous high school musical.Hilarious, poignant, and deeply insightful, John Green and David Levithan’s collaborative novel is brimming with a double helping of the heart and humor that have won both them both legions of faithful fans."
I don't really want to do my normal format for this review and honestly, I am too lazy to do a VLog Review.
It is hard for me to say how I feel about Will Grayson, Will Grayson. Cause there is apart of me that thinks "WOW! that is awesome" and then there is apart of me who thinks "That is it..?" Look, I get the point of Will Grayson, Will Grayson, and it wasn't the book I thought it would be. The way they told the story, and making it about coming of age, and accepting yourself without being the typical kind was really well done.

However, There was a part of me,who saw all this coming. I wasn't surprised by the way the book turned out or where it was going. Which is what disappointed to me, I wanted something more from the story. Also, Fair warning this book is also pretty explicit. Which didn't bother me, as much as it caught me off guard. Although the constant use of "bitchsquealer" annoyed me.

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