Thursday, June 2, 2011

A Kiss In Time

A Kiss In Time was surprisingly a really really enjoyable book! A Kiss In Time is by Beastly author Alex Flinn and is a slightly modern take on the tale of Sleeping Beauty. After reading Beastly there was a preview of the 1st chapter of A Kiss In Time, I found it intriguing enough to check out the book at the library, but didn't expect much more then a light read...
Talia is the Princess in the book and the story goes she pricks her finger on a spindle and falls in to a deep sleep, until she is awaken by a kiss. Three hundred years later an American tourist name Jack falls upon her sleeping kingdom and kisses the Princess. This is where the story really begins, as Talia is introduced to the modern world. 

The book is a light heart romantic comedy. I would seriously LOVE to see this turned into a TV movie, i can definitely see it being turned into one for ABC Family. The story goes back and forth between Talia's point of view and Jack's and it is really enticing to her a male and female perspective on each other and how they really feel. I was really impressed with Flinn's ability to pay homage the the original tale while making it her own. Although, she did this in Beastly... I feel it was better executed in this book. My favorite part is towards the end when Malvolia (the evil witch) tests Jack's love of Talia through different game like scenarios. Granted yes, the ending was a little cheesy, the book overall was refreshing. Anyone who enjoys fairy tales, smiles, and a nice laugh. Should read A Kiss In Time. It is definitely a perfect summer read.

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