Thursday, September 8, 2011

In The Bloggers Studio Ft. Bookaliscious

This is the Beginning of a Blog I am going to do every Thursday  called In The Bloggers Studio (get it?) where I will ask some of My Favorite Bloggers random question so That we can get to know them better!

The Blogger who will be kicking this blog off is Pam From Bookaliscious!

Pam is all sorts of awesome! Really. If these questions don't prove it, then you need to start reading her blog, following her on twitter(@bookalisciouspam) or and maybe watch her YouTube Musical Debut .

How did you begin Blogging?

I read Inkheart and wanted someone to talk to about it. Then I thought, oh oh I will make a blog about books. I then later found out there were a few bloggers already doing that. I will never forget asking them what an ARC was :)

Did you ever think your blog would be as big as it is?

I don't consider my blog really huge. I like I am now. I have been working hard on Bookalicious for three years solid, and I hope that shows.

When did you discover your love for reading?

When I was in first grade and we made a trip to the library where the librarian read me The Wild Swans. I fell completely in love with the story and the rest of the tales, I last year found the EXACT copy that the librarian read to me for my children.

How do you find the time to blog and read books, while being a Mother and Wife?

One kid goes to school, the other to daycare. I streamline my cleaning in the morning, I do the same one hour routine Mon-Fri and add in laundry and minute cleaning like baseboard washing on the weekend. My husband is a fantastic chef so he cooks. We generally don't watch television but recently we do watch one episode of either Torchwood or Doctor Who at night. After that I read for two hours.

What is Your Blogging Pet Peeve?

For me it is remembering when to post for book tours. I am really incredibly bad at that.

What Is Your Reading Pet Peeve?

When the author's name or book title is at the bottom right of the page and every time I read it as part of the text. It is jarring.

Favorite Color?

Light blue.

If you could choose one book to read for the rest of your life, what book would it be?

This answer would change almost yearly but right now The Sky is Everywhere by Jandy Nelson.

Are there any books you absolutely despise?

Yes, Jennifer's Body. 

What is your biggest fear?

Spider's I think. I can handle anything but spiders.

If you could 3 bookish people, who would they be and what would you guys do?

I think Shanyn from Chick Loves Lit, Maureen Johnson and John Green. We would make the most epic vlog ever made.

Tell us why Hicklebee's is SO awesome and how did you discover Hicklebee's?

Hicklebee's was founded the year I was born which obviously was the best year in history. They have a fantastic children's museum inside their kids only store and the store is so colorful and magical on the inside. The owner is a picture book author herself and knows how to put on a great event. I found them via two employees who kept showing up at the same bookish events I was attending and we always ended up in the signing line together. It was kismet. 

When you are not blogging or doing anything book related, What are you doing?

I am painting horrid pottery or playing blocks with my toddler. I am traveling and being a SAH tourist, and taking classes on jewelry making or how to cook Egyptian food.

Favorite Actor and Actress?

Actor: (again this changes yearly) John Barrowman
Actress: Always has and will forever be Juliet Styles.

Least Favorite Actor/ Actress?

Actor: Steve Buscemi
Actress: Juliet Lewis

Book that everyone must read RIGHT now?

As soon as it comes out: SHATTER ME by Tareheh Mafi

Most recent book that you expected to love but ended up not impressing you?

Shadowfever by Karen Moning, I didn't even finish it.

Favorite Holiday?


Guilty Pleasure?

                                      Dutch licorice. 

Say the first thing the comes to your mind when you see these words.

                                                                      Love - Marco
Music- Gorgeous
Fire - Hot
Book - Love
Dog - Jackie
Rainbow - So Intense
Travel- Always
Police - Safe
President - Obama
Up- Down

And That Concludes This Week's In The Bloggers Studio, Thank You Again Pam and See You All Next Thursday!


  1. That is so cool! I already heart Pam but still the questions and answers were great!!

  2. Very nice interview. I have known Pam for a while (virtually) and it's nice to read some other things about her.
